James Waddell

Mr. Waddell is a Director with the Corporate Finance business of National Australia Bank, Australia's leading Sustainable Finance house.

James has been involved in raising funds for Australasian governments, trusts and companies in the Australian, European and US capital markets since 1999 and currently works in the Sustainable Finance business within Corporate Finance. James has been intimately involved in developing the pooled borrowing vehicle for Victorian councils and integral to the NSW OnTracc SII, the Queensland YouthChoices SBB and the Victorian J2SI SII transactions. Transactions involving the provision of housing to disadvantaged groups are a key focus for James; this includes social, affordable and disability accommodation transactions across the bank.

James has worked for NAB since 1988 in various capacities including roles in money market, foreign exchange, interest rate derivatives, debt capital markets and corporate finance. He holds a bachelor degree in Commerce from UNSW and a Masters Degree in Applied Finance from Macquarie University. Since 2008 he has been an adjunct lecturer at Macquarie University teaching Debt Capital Markets and Sustainable Finance in the Masters of Applied Finance Degree program.

Groundstation Pty Ltd

GroundStation is  a website management company, solving website problems for business owners and allowing them to focus on what they do best.


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