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PrefabAUS explores German prefab innovations

Article by Craig Chatman of ARKit

egnauer Fertigbau completed wall assemblies. Photo by Craig Chatman.

PrefabAUS Board Member Craig Chatman returned from a prefab study tour of Germany in early December, reviewing panelised prefabrication and productivity. The tour, organised by Johann Betz, involved a group of 20 people representing prefabricated companies, educational and governmental organisations from Australia and New Zealand.

The fast paced, 7 day tour covered an overview of panelised construction techniques and processes, design solutions and standards, industry organisations and structures, architect led tours of completed buildings and consumer perceptions.

The group visited 5 manufacturers’ factories and showrooms including the very impressive Huber & Sohn[who constructed an eight storey residential building – currently the tallest timber building in Germany],SOHM HolzBautechnik and the ultra-slick Bau-Fritz companies.

Certainly some interesting lessons for the Australian context. More information can be found on Craig’s Blog of the tour.