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Ben Kehoe 

Ben Kehoe has worked for four decades at the coal face of Australian business as a social pioneer, storyteller, change agent, management consultant and business owner. His real work is working with business leaders to “make stuff happen”. 

Ben has worked with over 250 Australian businesses, from ASX listed companies to private companies and start-ups. His primary work has been in the area of strategy (Creating the Future). Throughout this experience, Ben has spent approximately 20,000 hours over 40 years in strategic conversations with Australian business leaders about the future of Australian business. Many of those conversations have focused on innovation in Australia, which is also the title of Ben’s book.

Ben has chaired numerous Business Advisory Boards and has had roles in the Governance of Rugby (ARU & QRU). In a moment of eccentricity with his wife, Sally, a great mate and supporter, he took ownership of an Art Gallery. He has also been a Syndicate leader with the CEO Institute for over ten years.

Ben is a husband, father and grandfather, a student of business and life, a jogger, skier, art collector and ballroom dancer. Over the last decade, he has been exploring social media and its impact on business and the world. That is how he came to write a book!


The Australian challenge - From a nation of Adopters to an “Innovation Nation”?

Based on the book: Innovation in Australia: Creating Prosperity for Future Generations

In this presentation, Ben will explain and explore innovation in Australia based on the theories posited in his book of the same title.

“This book sets out to shock. I read it in two hours, and believe that those two hours would be well spent for any person, whether politician, board member, university vice-chancellor, trade union leader, employee or high school graduate, who aspires to shape the future of this country in the global village positively in the 21st century.” Ian Fraser AC